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Distance Running (.pdf)

                       Distance Running

Distance Running (.pdf)

Understanding running training and its effects is definitely better progress. In the essential advice series , this topic is the main one. Because if we understand what we are doing and the impacts it will have, it is much easier to know how to do it well. Today I am going to give you some keys to understand the progress in running. Running is the simplest sport in the world . But if you want to train effectively and progress, that's another story! Running then becomes as technical as any other sport!

However, you don't need to know everything. Understanding running training and its main effects will give you the basis for not doing anything stupid . We are therefore going to talk about the principle of progression, the effect of a training session, a training week or even a training cycle . And by the end of this article you will surely read your training plans in a slightly different way! 

Progress is not training hard but effectively

If the goal of your running training is to improve, then there is no miracle! To be in better shape, run faster and beat your personal bests , you need to train effectively. Notice that I didn't necessarily say hard.

We often have the impression that the harder we train, the more we will progress while running training is much more subtle than that . As I explain to you in this other article , the first step towards progress is good long-term training planning. Running is a sport where consistency is the priority. You have to train intelligently to progress without getting burned.

Because the formula for progression is very simple. When we go to train, our goal is to tire the body . Because it is this fatigue that will encourage our body to set up internal improvement processes. Ultimately, after a good workout, the body does what is called overcompensation. To adapt and be more able to respond to the next workout, the body strengthens. To learn more about the principle of overcompensation,  I did a full article on the subject. The problem is that fatigue increases faster than our level ...

Running training in 4-week cycles

Breaking down your running training into cycles is the best way to avoid making mistakes. Usually we take the week as the basis of our work. Just because it's the perfect format to train effectively doesn't just mean. No, we use the week for its practicality . Using a 5 or 9 day cycle can be difficult for an amateur athlete to manage. With a cycle of 7 days, the long exit par exemple se fera tous les dimanches, jour où on a le temps de s’y consacrer. La séance de fractionné en groupe pourra être tous les mercredis et assurer que tout le monde bloquera son emploi du temps pour cette occasion.

In short, if we look at it in the form of weeks, I recommend cycles of 4 weeks, i.e. 3 weeks of work + 1 week of recovery . As you can see from the graph below, this helps raise the level with controlled fatigue. The 4th week is called assimilation or recovery . It is there to lower this level of fatigue in a suitable area, while maintaining the level.

Now, you can implement the same kind of training that runners use to train for marathons, races and other running events! You can steal the strategies that runners use to get to the next level. You will be able to discover the secrets that they use to get to where they are at today.

If your running speed is not up to par, this report, “Distance Running – Pick The Perfect Running Program For YOU!”, can help you get up to speed on the level that you need to be at with your running. There are six different running programs that explain how you can do just that, along with other tips that are crucial to your running success. This could be the most important thing that you will ever read to make those strides that you need to make in your running pursuits. This report will explain how you can train to be like some of the other runners that are involved in different races and marathons. Before you know it, you will be running in some of the most well known running events and being able to win, just because of the training that you received.a long distance running race

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