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Get rid of fat (.pdf)

                          Get rid of fat

Get rid of fat (.pdf)

Tuck in your belly all day

It may sound silly and restrictive, but the basic rule is body awareness, before any sports and food routine. "Whether you are at work or at home, it is essential to force yourself to tuck your stomach in all day, as if the navel was sucked in by the spine," says Karine Hellebuyck, sports coach in Paris. The body is linked to the mind, we will thus benefit from better energy and the muscles will begin to tone up, ”concludes the coach.

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Get moving

" The fat begins to melt from the moment you simply get back to moving as much as possible", informs Christophe Boulanger, sports coach in Bordeaux and specialized in running. The reason is simple: "We store fat in part because the body does not spend what we give it, which can be too sweet or too fatty", adds Brigitte Barthe, food education advisor (1). The main thing is to adopt simple but effective habits: prefer the stairs to the elevators, shorten your public transport journey to end on foot, or even get up regularly from your chair when working seated all day.

Learn to eat again

Among other causes (stress, healthy lifestyle, sedentary lifestyle, interplay of hormones or even disturbed intestinal flora ), “fat often comes from a behavioral problem which in turn leads to poor food intake, in other words an unbalanced diet. Bad reflexes, such as eating industrial foods that are too fatty or too sweet, also promote the appearance of fat, ”recalls Deborah Ohana, sports nutritionist dietician . “Usually the food is mostly of poor quality. We can start by replacing animal proteins with plants , and use olive oil rather than butter, for example, ”adds Brigitte Barthe.

Long before thinking "diet", the most important thing is to listen to your hunger and feeling of fullness, to "differentiate what the head and body offer", says the dietician. Then, in parallel with a sporting activity, we reduce fats and sugars and we ban those of industrial origin. Deborah Ohana is categorical: “The main thing is to ensure that you eat the most balanced meals possible with proteins, starches (depending on your hunger), vegetables, a portion of fruit and a source of calcium. No need to calculate everything, everything is obviously balanced over a week ”.

Avoid weight training and prefer cardio

Struggling To See Results With Your Diet? Lose The Fat Forever By Learning The Secrets That Our Ancestors Knew To Maintain A Healthy And Fit Body!

Whether we like it or not, the health of our society is bad and getting worse. As technology continues to develop, convenience does as well and ordering food is literally as simple as the clicking of a button. 

Long gone are the days of having to find your own food, let alone having to drive to a restaurant to get dinner.

Cooking dinner looks less and less appealing when compared to the food conveniences and choices amongst diners, catering services, fast food and takeout.

According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, diabetes is now the seventh leading cause of death, just in the United States aloneGetting rid of fat under the chin
Get rid of liver fat
Getting rid of fat in the arms
Get rid of fat face
Get rid of fat from the knees
Get rid of thigh fat
Getting rid of underarm fat

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