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healthier lifestyle (.pdf)

               healthier lifestyle

healthier lifestyle  (.pdf)

Small changes in your lifestyle can lower your risk of having another stroke. Changing your habits is obviously not always easy. Your healthcare team can tell you which risk factors you should focus on first, and which goals seem realistic to you.

Don't try to change all of your habits overnight. Start with a relatively simple change, then use that first success as a stepping stone.

Eat a healthy diet

Sometimes even small changes in your diet can have a big beneficial effect on your health. Balanced meals and healthy snacks help you:

  • increase your intake of healthy foods;
  • reduce your weight;
  • prevent hypertension;
  • control your blood sugar level;
  • lower your cholesterol level;
  • increase your energy level.

All of these factors lower your risk of stroke. If you need help adopting a healthy lifestyle, see a dietitian-nutritionist. The following tips will help you eat healthy.

Eat more fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. They are also low in calories, fat and sodium (salt). They help lower cholesterol levels, prevent high blood pressure, and maintain a healthy weight.

Choose foods high in fiber

The best sources of fiber are vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes like lentils. Eating fiber helps you lower your cholesterol, prevent high blood pressure, and maintain a healthy weight.

Eat less salt

Reducing your sodium (salt) intake lowers your blood pressure and reduces your risk of heart disease and stroke by approximately one-third. Most of the salt consumed comes from packaged foods and restaurant meals. Here are some tips to help you reduce your salt intake.

  • Foods containing
    less than 200 mg of
    sodium per serving.
    Read labels for sodium
  • Seasonings
    other than salt and
    soy sauce to enhance
    the taste of your dishes.
    Instead, use garlic,
    lemon juice or herbs; 
  • Unsalted nuts, which
    are a better
    healthy snack than other snack foods;
  • Recipes that are low
    in salt (140 mg per
    serving) when


Avoid or consume in moderation:
  • packaged like
    canned soups , bacon, pickles
    and cold cuts; Processed foods and
  • Food ready to go;
  • Salty snacks like
    potato chips.

Choose the right fats

Not all fats are the same. Saturated fats and trans fats raise cholesterol levels. Other types of fat or oil, called unsaturated fats, help prevent plaque from forming on the inner lining of blood vessels.

  • Lean meat and
    lots of fish;

  • Low fat dairy products ;
  • Unsaturated fats, such
    as olive, soybean, canola and peanut oil;
  • Foods containing
    less than three grams
    of total fat and
    less than two grams
    of saturated fat per serving.
    Read the labels to
    check the amount of these
    two types of fat. 


Avoid or consume in moderation:
  • Foods cooked in a deep fryer;
  • Foods containing saturated and trans fats;
  • Ghee (clarified butter) and butter.

Eat less added sugar

Added sugar provides energy in the form of calories, but has no other nutritional benefits. When we don't need these calories, we store them as fat. Healthy eating recommendations do not say how much sugar you should eat. It is certain, however, that you will maintain a healthy weight if you reduce your sugar intake.


  • Water or unsweetened tea;
  • Less sweet foods. Check the amount of sugar
    on the labels. One
    teaspoon is
    four grams of sugar.


Avoid or consume in moderation:
  • Cakes and pastries;
  • Sugary drinks,
    including soft drinks
    and fruit juices.
Eat reasonable portions

Measuring your portions is always a good idea whether you are at home or dining out.

  • At home, use smaller plates, bowls and cups than usual.
  • Fill half your plate with vegetables (excluding the potatoes). Fill a quarter of the plate with whole grains such as brown rice or whole grain pasta. The last quarter of the plate is reserved for meat and alternatives, such as beans, tofu or low-fat cheese.
  • Avoid over-serving yourself and refueling.
  • In the restaurant, it is possible to order one appetizer only. Alternatively, you can also request a small portion or take the leftovers with you when you leave the restaurant.

Discover The 7 Keys To Living a More Fulfilling, Healthy and Wealthy Life! You'll Find Out How To Finally Get Ahead And Attract Anything You Want In Life!

This world is toxic and it is sick. Many hate watching the news, reading the newspaper or even interacting with my neighbors. You don’t want to appear antisocial. You genuinely love people. But this world has made us cold and cruel.

The result is a society of unhappy people. Well over 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Well over 50% of all young adults do not even believe in marriage. We need to get back to the days where it was easy to talk to strangers and it was unnatural not to be polite.

Back to the days where people actually believed in love and looked out for their neighbors. We need to start loving ourselves again. We each need to be the change we wish to see in the world. We need to heal ourselves and start loving ourselves again.

Happy people are successful people. This is simply because being happy makes it easy to stay motivated to reaching your goals. Your thoughts have a very significant impact on the life you lead and the quality of the relationships you will have with family members, friends, and significant others
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