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The New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins (.pdf)

 The New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins

The New Diet Revolution by Dr. Atkins (.pdf)

In 1972, to distinguish himself from other low-carbohydrate diets, not sufficiently effective according to him, Dr. Robert Atkins developed a program based on the elimination through urine and respiration of ketones, carbon compounds produced by combustion. incomplete fat. Based on a strong reduction in carbohydrates, this diet was particularly effective but so far suffered from a bad reputation among doctors who criticized it for being:

  • too restrictive and therefore difficult to follow in the long term;
  • unbalanced: eggs, bacon, butter, red meat… too much fat, not enough fruits and vegetables;
  • to be accompanied by annoying side effects (at the beginning fatigue, migraines…).

In 2011, three university medical professors, Drs Eric Westman, Stephen Phinney and Jeff Volek developed a new version of the Atkins Diet that echoes the most recent thinking in diet and nutrition and features changes. significant making the program easier to follow and more flexible and without annoying side effects.


Phase 1: start-up phase

- Lasts at least 2 weeks, extended if the person has a lot of weight to lose.
- The body adapts by preferentially burning fat, which triggers weight loss.
- Limit the consumption of carbohydrates to 20 g per day. 12 to 15 g of these carbohydrates must come from non-starchy vegetables (list expanded compared to the original Atkins diet).
- All foods which contain sugar, cereals in any form whatsoever, fruit juices and concentrates, are excluded.
- Snack at 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. authorized (Atkins bars)

Phase 2: phase of continuous weight loss

- Start adding berries, nuts, seeds, some legumes…
- Gradually increase the daily consumption of carbohydrates, in steps of 5 g until a balance is found, that is to say that the consumption of carbohydrates should not slow down weight loss ( carbohydrate threshold for weight loss ).
- Continue this phase until you are 5 kilos from the target weight.

Phase 3: pre-stabilization phase

- Widen the range of carbohydrate foods: other fruits, starches and, finally, whole grains…
- As long as weight loss continues, increase carbohydrate consumption in steps of 10 g per day.
- When the person approaches the target weight, he must test the quantity of carbohydrates that he can consume without gaining weight ( Atkins carbohydrate balance threshold ).
- When the weight has stabilized for at least 1 month, go to phase 4.

Phase 4: final stabilization phase

- Continue to consume the various foods from phase 3 and monitor your weight for life.
- Each person must learn to manage their own weight, some will have to continue to consume few carbohydrates (sensitive people) and others will be able to expand the range of carbohydrate foods (tolerant people).


  • Stop counting calories.
  • Eat as much permitted foods as is necessary to achieve fullness.
  • Don't eat if you're not hungry
  • Don't feel like you have to finish your plate because there is food left on it
  • Drink as much water and watered down drinks as your body wants. Don't restrict fluids… but don't overdo it either.
  • Small frequent meals are preferred
  • If you are feeling weak from the rapid weight loss, you may be low on salt.
  • Take a multivitamin supplement every day


If low-calorie diets that restrict fat have never helped you lose weight or stabilize your weight, Atkins may be right for you. With good fats allowed, the New Atkins is much less frustrating.

By cutting back on carbs and allowing snacks, it curbs cravings making it easier to follow in the long run.
The New Atkins Diet is suitable for vegetarians and vegans.


The Atkins diet, long criticized, however, astonishes by the density of its good results, in the studies which examined it.

One of the most recent, published in July 2008, compared the effectiveness on body weight of three types of diets: an Atkins-type diet, low in starches and sugars, without restriction of calories consumed, a type diet. Mediterranean low in calories, and ultimately a diet low in fat and calories. Result after two years: it is the people who followed the low-starch diet who lost the most weight. They are also the ones who have seen their health improve the most. The study involved 322 moderately obese people. Among the 272 participants who completed the experiment, the average weight loss was 3.3 kg for the low fat diet, 4.6 kg for the Mediterranean diet and 5.5 kg for the Atkins-type diet.

Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine in the United States over a year compared the merits of the Atkins, Zone, LEARN and Ornish diets and in 311 obese or overweight women. The LEARN and Ornish diets come close to the traditional recommendations of nutritionists, while Atkins and Zone advocate reducing carbohydrates. Result: it is with the Atkins diet that these women lost the most weight: on average twice as much as the others. After one year, the women in the Atkins group had lost an average of 4.7 kg compared to 2.6 kg, 2.2 kg and 1.6 kg, respectively for the LEARN, Ornish and Zone groups. Their blood pressure was also lower than on other diets and their blood triglyceride levels were lower.

In 2006, a British study compared the Atkins diet, low in carbohydrates to Slim-Fast (high protein), Weight Watchers (low in calories, with psychological support in the form of group meetings) Rosemary Conley (low in fat, with Weight Watchers-type support. 6-month results show that all programs achieve roughly the same weight loss that was accompanied by decreased waistlines. The Atkins diet appears to be more effective over the four first few weeks.

Many other studies have been done.
The 2012 analysis of 17 clinical studies involving 1141 obese people concluded that an Atkins-type diet leads to a significant decrease in body weight (-7 kg), body mass index (-2.09 kg / m2), waist circumference (-5.75 cm). This diet improves at the same time several markers of cardiovascular risk and the risk of diabetes: blood pressure (-4.8 for systolic pressure and -3.1 for disatolic), triglycerides (-29.71 mg / dL), fasting blood sugar (-1.05 mg / dL), glycated hemoglobin (-0.21%), plasma insulin (-2.24 micro IU / mL), C-reactive protein (marker of inflammation). HDL cholesterol (the so-called "good" cholesterol) increases by 1.73 mg / dL.

Weight loss, weight maintenance, good health and disease prevention through the Atkins Diet approach.

Dr. Atkins' original diet revolution helped millions lose weight and maintain weight loss for life. His sensational follow-up, Dr. Atkins's New Diet Revolution, focused on complete wellness as well as weight loss—and spent more than four years on the New York Times bestseller list. Now, the world's #1 diet and complementary medicine expert has updated his century-proven program offering essential new information based on scientifically backed carbohydrate principles that help people revitalize their lives by rebalancing their nutrition so they look good, feel good, lose weight. Your weight and keep it.

The new updated diet revolution includes:

Everything you need to know to start the weight loss process and achieve lifelong well-being

New Carb Control Recipes for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Delicious Desserts

Brand new case studies

The New Diet Revolution book by Dr. Atkins
Dr. The New Atkins Diet Revolution
Dr. Atkins's New Revolution Diet Review
What is Dr. Atkins' new diet revolution?

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