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Leaders develop "Employees in focus" master class.100% Off Udemy

Leaders develop "Employees in focus" master class

Leaders develop "Employees in focus" master class.100% Off Udemy

For leadership and career development to promote human resources, organization, business management, soft skills


Being and becoming a leader has never been easy. Especially when you are thrown into the deep end and as a leadership newbie you don't know where your head is. Especially then, the foresight in terms of employees must be cultivated in order to be able to survive as a leader in the long term. But also executives who have been working in your area for a long time, who may have become a bit "narrow-minded" over the years and who have developed one or the other blind spot, will be able to benefit from this course.

If a manager is described as narrow-minded or self-centered, it is often due to the fact that many managers have cultivated their technical abilities, skills and knowledge over years or decades, but these points regarding leadership skills are still in their infancy. It is therefore of enormous importance to follow up on this and to work on the basis of your leadership skills. When you are ready to take off your blinkers, you will soon experience firsthand the benefits of your progress.

Be one of the leaders of tomorrow and benefit from your newly acquired knowledge. More self-confident, fairer, more charismatic through mental change of perspective, insight and understanding of the needs and situations of employees.

This course clearly trains the foresight and the empathy muscle. It will expand your perspective in the classic way or bring you back to knowledge that you have long known.

Among other things, you will learn:

Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Productivity coordinate system

My "shamrock model" for inner resignation

"Life balance model" according to Nosrath Peseshkian

Team leadership tips

Team phases

Duty of care

And much more

All of this awaits you in the following chapters:

1. Employees

2. Individuals

3. Teams / groups

4. The ambience

5. Protection of employees

Book this course today, of course, as always, completely WITHOUT any risk.

I look forward to your participation and I wish you every success on your professional path as a manager.

All the best

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